Join The Wait List For Our Next Sell-Out Challenge
Start Date: April 1st
- 60 days no alcohol.
- 60 days no takeaways.
- 60 days of following a structured diet.
- 60 days of working out every day (not always a max out gym session).
- 60 days of 10,000 steps per day.
- 60 days of 4L of water per day.
- 60 days of reading 10 pages per day.
- 60 days of mobility everyday to help any postural problems.
- 60 days of taking a progress picture everyday.
- Bespoke personal training programme for 7 days per week on an online App with an exercise library and videos.
- Bespoke personal mobility routine for any postural problems.
- A structured dietary advice and calorie programme.
- AT LEAST 6 in-person community event days which can include boxing sessions in a gym, outdoor run, open water swim, circuits, cross-fit, pilates, supervised gym session and others.
- 1 in-person Personal Training session.
- Feedback on every workout, weights, reps, sets and form.
- WhatsApp community group chat for accountability, advice, support and motivation.
- Daily habit forms.
- Weekly Check-In forms.
- Educational Modules From Me Around Exercise and Programming
- Educational Modules on Nutrition and Dieting From An Expert
- X2 1-2-1 Strategy call to plan your 60 days or ask any advice (30 min per call).
- My very own cookbook with over 50 recipes and access to any soon to be released books.
- Weekly podcast recommendations.
The last 60 days challenge completely sold out and saw my clients drop an average of 7KG body fat! They also:
Improved their energy levels by 44%.
Dropped 3 – 4 inches from their waist.
Increased their step count to 10,000+.
Reduced their fatigue and stress.
Improved their overall mood.
100% of participants improved the length and quality of their sleep.
Don’t believe me? Just take a look at their progress pictures.

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